Saturday, July 28, 2018

I will get you two 2nd tier line approvals

I will get you two 2nd tier line approvals


2nd tier business card approvals are obtained for companies that already have 1st tier lines on their DB and Experian profiles. The age of your business is not relevant & all approvals will be based on no PG (no personal guarantee = no use of your SSN). Once we begin your service all applications will go into Underwriting which can take 3-5 days for their review.
Here are the prerequisite requirements:

1 - You must have at least 2 trade lines on your D&B profile, these can be net 30 account lines.
2 - You must have at least 1 trade line posting to your Experian Business profile.
3 - Google your business name, see if you have online web presence for your business. It is a must in order to secure our 2nd tier line approvals for you. Underwriting will check on your web-presence, and it makes all the difference between an approval or a denial. If you do NOT see your business listed online, we can assist you with more info on getting it listed FIRST, so that you can get 2nd tier approvals.
(If you are unsure if you have ANY of these prerequisites, please reach out and we can assist checking)
Please contact us with questions, we will be here throughout your process.


ejjoier:i love this gig. i need someone like this seller helping me and my clients get credit. really fast, clear and friendly.

ejjoier:i love this gig. i need someone like this seller helping me and my clients get credit. really fast, clear and friendly.




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